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$999 Implants!

Missing Tooth Woman

Dental Implants

Dental Implant Lab

Dental implants have been used to replace teeth for more than half a century. In that time, many significant technological advances have increased the longevity, reliability, and success rates of dental implants. Currently, the ten-year survival of dental implants is greater than 95% which is significantly better than a bridge.

Dental Implant Model

Unlike traditional approaches to tooth replacement, such as bridges or removable partial dentures, dental implants help to preserve surrounding bone, preventing the sunken look that can happen with the bone loss that follows tooth loss. Dental implants are the only option clinically proven to prevent bone loss.

Neodent Implant GM Helix

Dr. Dawson places Neodent® Implants, an advanced and proven dental implant technology that features many enhancements and improvements over previous generations of implants such as an enhanced surface treatment, strong titanium alloy body, Morse taper connection, and improved thread design.

Implant Typodont

Dental implants do not require any modification of adjacent teeth, keeping a one-tooth problem from involving more than one tooth.

Implant Denture

For patients wearing dentures, there is no better solution to secure a denture than with dental implants. Imagine eating your favorite foods and laughing again without worrying about your denture slipping or falling out. No more denture adhesives!

Restored Dental Implant

Dental implants offer a permanent, esthetic solution, which may last a lifetime with proper care. They require no additional maintenance beyond routine dental cleanings and exams. 

Dental Implants

Want to Learn More?

Are you interested in learning more about how dental implants can benefit you or a loved one? Do you have missing teeth, a failing root canal, a broken tooth, or dentures that no longer fit properly?

Schedule your free implant consultation!

Dental Implant

Want to Learn More?

Are you interested in learning more about how dental implants can benefit you or a loved one? Do you have missing teeth, a failing root canal, a broken tooth, or dentures that no longer fit properly?

Schedule your free implant consultation!

Rich Dawson, DMD - Suit

Dr. Rich Dawson

Dr. Rich Dawson is an implant dentist in Scottsdale, Arizona. He has a wealth of experience in implant dentistry and has completed advanced training in dental implantology.

Dr. Dawson prides himself on providing compassionate dental care, and he considers the desires and needs of each individual patient when forming each custom-tailored treatment plan.

Whether you are looking to replace a single missing tooth, or you would like to completely transform your look, Dr. Dawson would love to help achieve your ideal smile.

Bridge or Implant?

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